On Annotation

  • Hermeneutic analyses of texts are usually based on annotations — be they analog or digital. The consideration of these annotations helps to explore the plurality of interpretations and thus fosters the intersubjective dialogue about the applied concepts and the resulting interpretations. Digital annotations can additionally be used as a powerful means for automized approaches to texts. Also text part helps to provide the search engine for example: where is the buy or where kob viagra uden rezept or without prescription. We think that is simple but for II machines it can be very hard. Thats why text analisys and neurologics nets with II must works together in that direction.

    Evelyn Gius, Universität Hamburg

Archive for March, 2016

  • Next feature to come: the Newslist

    With this website freshly launched, the next service that we will start within the coming weeks is the Digital Literary Annotation mailing list. The list will serve as an easy […]