Talk: On May 27, 2021, Angelika Zirker gave a talk on “Explanatory Annotation, Hermeneutics, and Digitality: TEASys – a Brief Introduction” (“Erklärende Annotation, Hermeneutik und Digitalität: TEASys – eine Kurzvorstellung”) at the Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft (Innsbruck, Austria).


Invited talk: On November 4, 2019, Miriam Lahrsow gave a talk on “Pope’s and Byron’s Self-Annotations: Brevity, Efficiency, Ambiguity” in the Colloquium of the Research Training Group “Kleine Formen” at Humboldt University Berlin.

Workshop organisation: Angelika Zirker and Sabine Bartsch gave a workshop on “The Digital in Research-Oriented Teaching: Inter-Disciplinary Exchange” at the Anglistentag 2019 (Leipzig, September 22–25, 2019).

Conference participation: Miriam Lahrsow gave a talk on “Transgressing the Boundaries of the Text: Byron’s Self-Annotations” at the conference on Transgressive Romanticism: Boundaries, Limits, Taboos (Vechta, September 4-8, 2019).

Conference organisation: The 15th International Connotations Symposium was concerned with “Understanding (through) Annotations”. It took place July 28 – August 1, 2019 in Tübingen, Germany. Matthias Bauer and Angelika Zirker, the organisers of the conference, gave a talk on “Understanding (through) Annotations – Introduction”. Leonie Kirchhoff presented a paper titled “Investigating Understanding: Annotating Poetry” and Miriam Lahrsow gave a talk on “More than Just Explanations: Functions of Self-Annotation in Pope and Byron”. For the full programme, see.

Conference participation: Angelika Zirker and Matthias Bauer gave a talk on the “Challenges of Automation: Some Theoretical Considerations about Explanatory Annotation in Literary Studies” at the conference on Annotationen in Edition und Forschung: Funktionsbestimmung, Differenzierung, Systematisierung (February, 20.–22. 2019, Wuppertal, Germany), For the abstract see.


Conference participation: At this year’s Dickens Conference (Tübingen, Germany, July 30 – August 1 2018) Angelika Zirker and Miriam Lahrsow  presented TEASys in a joint talk titled “Nor’westers, Fighting Cocks, and Obserwations: A Digital Annotated Edition of The Chimes”.

Conference participation: Miriam Lahrsow gave a talk on “The Author as Annotator: Ambiguity, Understanding, and Auto-Annotation in Byron and Pope” at the International Young Researchers Workshop Understanding Understanding in Tübingen, 4 May 2018.

Conference participation: Leonie Kirchhoff gave a talk on “Shakespeare Going Digital: Reading the Sonnets with TEASys” at the Renaissance Society of America 2018 conference in New Orleans, 22 March 2018.

Conference participation: Angelika Zirker gave a talk on “Ambiguität und Annotation: Herausforderungen von Automatisierung und Digitalität” at the DHd2018 at the University of Cologne, 2 March 2018.

Conference participation: Angelika Zirker, Matthias Bauer, Leonie Kirchhoff, and Miriam Lahrsow presented a poster titled “TEASys: Kollaboratives digitales Annotieren als Lehr- und Lernprozess” at the DHd2018 at the University of Cologne, 1. March 2018.

Conference participation: Leonie Kirchhoff and Miriam Lahrsow presented a paper titled “Erklärende Annotationen und Textverständnis im digitalen Medium” at the graduate conference Verstehen verstehen at the Universität Stuttgart, 15. February 2018.


Conference participation: Angelika Zirker and Gabriel Viehhauser (Stuttgart University) presented a paper co-authored by Matthias Bauer and them on ‘Commentatory Annotation and Hermeneutics in Digital Texts’ (Zwischenräume: Kommentierende Annotation und hermeneutische Bedeutungserschließung in digitalen Texten) at the Symposium on Literature and Digitalization, funded by the German National Research Foundation at Villa Vigoni on October 10, 2017.

Conference participation: „Erklärende Annotation, Kontext und Automatisierung: Probleme und Perspektiven“, Workshop: Rekontextualisierung als Forschungsparadigma des Digitalen, Universität Stuttgart, 7. April 2017

Conference participation: Poster „TEASys (Tübingen Explanatory Annotations System): Die erklärende Annotation literarischer Texte in den Digital Humanities“, 4. DHd Tagung in Bern, 15. bis 17. Februar 2017


Workshop: “Dynamics of Explanatory Annotation” at DHSI (University of Victoria, British Columbia), Canada, June 12, 2016

Conference participation: “From ‘Pudding Lane’ to ‘Offal Court’: Annotating and Annotation as Teaching and Learning Tools,” Challenging Reading: English-Language Education with Children and Teenagers, March 10 to 12, 2016, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

Conference participation: Angelika Zirker, “Annotation und Distant Reading: Probleme – Synergien – Perspektiven, Die Digital Humanities als fächerübergreifendes Forschungsparadigma: 3. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd), March 8 to 11, 2016, Universität Leipzig

Conference participation: Timo Stösser, “A Systematic Approach to Digital Literary Annotation, Digital Editing Now, January 7 to 9, 2016, CRASSH, University of Cambridge


Conference participation: Matthias Bauer & Angelika Zirker, “Explanatory Annotation of Literary Texts and the Reader,” Practices and Context in Contemporary Annotation Activities, Workshop DARIAH-DE, October, 29 &  30, 2015, Universität Hamburg


Workshop “Theory and Practice of Explanatory Annotation in the Digital Humanities” at Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany, May 8 & 9, 2015


Evelyn Gius & Janina Jacke (University of Hamburg): The Hermeneutic Profit of Annotation

Vera Hildenbrandt (Trier Center of Digital Humanities): Can Digital Technologies Boost Traditional Hermeneutical Approaches?

Jürgen Leonhardt (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen): Annotation between Information and Formation: Two Basic Aspects of Dealing with Texts

Dirk Roorda (Data Archiving and Network Services (DANS)): Queries-As-Annotation: Annotating the Hebrew Bible as Database

Valerie Rumbold (Birmingham University): Annotating Pope’s Dunciads

Ray Siemens (University of Victoria): Social Knowledge Creation and Its Discontents: Contexts for Open Annotation

Susan Schreibman (National University of Ireland Maynooth): Annotation, the Crowd, and Big Data

Angelika Zirker, Matthias Bauer & Timo Stösser (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen): Explanatory Annotation of Literary Texts: From Practice to Theory – and back again. A Case Study


Conference participation: Angelika Zirker, “Theorie und Praxis der erklärenden Annotation im Kontext der Digital Humanities,” Von Daten zu Erkenntnissen: 2. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd), February 24 to 27, 2015, Universität Graz